Product Updates

​Release Notes

Stay informed on product updates, fixes, and enhancements and is published several times per month.

Gillian Langor
Updated by Gillian Langor

Netksope Application Risk Exchange Plugin

VISO TRUST has a Netskope Application Risk Exchange plugin, allowing Netskope and VISO TRUST customers to gain deeper visibility and control of organizational risk by automatically synchronizing mana…

Russell Sherman
Updated by Russell Sherman

Vendor AI Q&A

Vendor AI Q&A. In addition to having Questionnaires automatically completed for your Vendors using Supplemental Questionnaire , you can now interact with their Artifact Intelligence in the form of a…

Russell Sherman
Updated by Russell Sherman

Trust AI Q&A

Trust AI Q&A. In addition to having Questionnaires completed using Artifact Intelligence Trust Center , you can now interact with it in the form of a question and answering service. Questions will be…

Russell Sherman
Updated by Russell Sherman

Supplemental Questionnaire

Supplemental Questionnaires. Supplemental Questionnaires are imported collections of Questions that you would like to use to derive additional Artifact Intelligence from your Third Parties. Questionn…

Russell Sherman
Updated by Russell Sherman

Artifact Intelligence Trust Center

Artifact Intelligence Trust Center. Your VISO TRUST Artifact Intelligence Trust Center is a repository of files, websites, questionnaires, and other source material that has been intelligently proces…

Russell Sherman
Updated by Russell Sherman

Risk Network (Beta)

We are excited to announce the launch of the Risk Network (Beta) dashboard on the Risk Insights page. This dashboard leverages our patented AI Document Intelligence to surface security-relevant organ…


Risk Insights Dashboard Update

We know how important it is for our customers to see dashboards that are accurate, informative, and actionable for everyone from the CISO to the daily user. As a result, we have made some improvement…

